To Cough a Furball, Marcushio
To Cough a Furball


Artist: Marcushio
Exhibition: Power In Numbers 2
Frame Width: 5.0" (12.7 cm)
Frame Height: 7.0" (17.78 cm)
Medium: Mixed media



When you ask a guy to dance and he says he’s there with his girlfriend so you say “she can dance with us, too”, Miranda Tacchia
When you ask a guy to dance and he says he’s there with his girlfriend so you say “she can dance with us, too”
When he thinks that’s his girlfriend’s thigh he’s been rubbing, Miranda Tacchia
When he thinks that’s his girlfriend’s thigh he’s been rubbing
When you’ve been locking eyes with the guy across the bar all night and then he buys a drink for the woman next to you, Miranda Tacchia
When you’ve been locking eyes with the guy across the bar all night and then he buys a drink for the woman next to you