Terrible Yellow Eyes

Terrible Yellow Eyes

September 19, 2009 - October 6, 2009

Sep 19, 6:00PM - 10:00PM

Nucleus proudly presents Terrible Yellow Eyes, an exhibition by guest curator Cory Godbey, creator of www.terribleyelloweyes.com 

This exhibit is the selected physical gallery show of the online collection of artwork inspired by the beloved classic "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.

*Several new and original works will be on display.
*Free give-aways

Contributing Artists:

Adam Volker
Alberto Cerriteño
Alina Chau
Ana Galvañ
Anastacia Sholik
Annie Koelle
Anthony Wu
Barnaby Ward
Bill Carman
Brittney Lee
Cedar Leidigh
C. G. Young
Chuck Groenink
Cory Godbey
Dan Matutina
Erin McGuire
Israel Sanchez
Jake Parker
Jason Caffoe
Jayme McGowan
Jeremy Vanhoozer
Joel Furtado
Juan Manuel Pedraza
Kazu Kibuishi
Mike Lee
Nicole Gustafsson
Pascal Campion
Patrick Murphy
Peter de Sève
Rilla Alexander aka RINZEN
Robin Joseph
Rodrigo Avilés
Ruel Pascual
Sarah Caterisano
Sebastien Mesnard
Shanon Bonatakis

Some artwork may be paid for in installments. Please for details.